8 alapvető tipp a Black Myth: Wukong játékhoz
Preparation for Your Gaming Journey
Black Myth: Wukong is a vast and challenging journey featuring over 80 formidable bosses and numerous enemies that will test your endurance at every step. To reach one of the game’s multiple endings, you'll need to hone your skills and make thoughtful decisions. The first hours of the game can feel overwhelming, with numerous mechanics and strategies to master. To ease your introduction to the game, we’ve compiled a list of essential tips to help you during the early stages of Black Myth: Wukong.
Experiment with Skill Adjustments
In Black Myth: Wukong, there’s no penalty for altering skills, so feel free to experiment with different options and playstyles to find what suits you best. To change skills, simply visit any shrine and select “Ignite Sparks” in the “Self-Development” tab.
While it’s advisable to initially invest in skills that boost health, stamina, and staff attack range, don’t hesitate to tailor your choices to match your confidence and combat approach.
Collect All Materials You Find
As you explore the expansive world, you’ll encounter various flowers, herbs, and other materials. Be sure to collect everything you find! While these items may not have immediate use, they’ll become essential later for crafting potions that will be invaluable in battle. You’ll thank yourself later for starting this habit early.
Don’t Worry About Defeat
Unlike traditional soulslike games, dying in Black Myth: Wukong doesn’t come with severe consequences. The primary result is a return to the nearest shrine, where all enemies respawn. Importantly, you don’t lose your accumulated Will upon death, allowing you to regroup and try again without fear of losing progress.
Take Your Time with the Wandering Phantom
The Wandering Phantom is a boss located on the right side of the forest. While it’s possible to defeat him early with patience and practice, it’s often better to return later after upgrading your staff and equipment—perhaps when you’ve reached the Black Wind Cave. The fight will be much easier then.
Prepare for the Battle with Linxiuzi
Linxiuzi may not pose a significant threat to seasoned soulslike players, but his powerful attacks can quickly overwhelm you if you haven’t mastered the game’s combat mechanics.
To give yourself the best chance at victory, aim to reach level 9 or 10 before facing Linxiuzi. Once you’ve accumulated enough Sparks, prioritize acquiring at least the first three health upgrades in the Survival skill tree. Additionally, craft Pilgrim’s Armor at a shrine for extra protection. This combination of health and defense will greatly enhance your survivability, so prepare well and give it your all.
If you need more Will to unlock skills or craft materials, consider wandering the “Beyond the Forest” zone.
Health Boost Item After Linxiuzi
After defeating Linxiuzi, you’ll have the opportunity to enter a nearby temple. While you may be tempted to head straight to the adjacent shrine to rest, make sure to stop inside the temple first.
On the left side of the temple interior, you’ll find a Celestial Medicine item that significantly increases your health. This upgrade will greatly improve your survivability as you venture into the game’s more dangerous areas.
Obtain a Major Mana Boost in the Black Wind Cave
Following the boss battle, you’ll enter the Black Wind Cave. Early in this area, a left-hand path will lead you to a wooden platform with a meditation point. Near this meditation point is another Celestial Medicine item, which provides a substantial mana increase. This upgrade allows for more frequent spellcasting, which becomes crucial in later stages of the game.
Pay Attention to Spirit Skills
Early in the game, you’ll encounter an NPC who can enhance your gourd bottle, enabling you to absorb the souls of certain bosses. These spirits grant Spirit Skills, allowing you to temporarily transform into those bosses and unleash a special attack when enough Qi is accumulated. These abilities can deal devastating damage, especially to other bosses. Additionally, they offer passive bonuses when equipped, such as increased defense from the Wandering Phantom’s spirit.
You can also upgrade these spirits at shrines by selecting “Spirit Cultivation” in the “Self-Development” tab. However, note that some upgrades may require specific items found during your journey.
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