Hogyan változtathatod meg a karaktered képességeit a Black Myth: Wukong-ban?
The Impact of Skills on Gameplay
Black Myth: Wukong is a captivating immersion into the world of action RPGs, skillfully combining the unforgiving principles of soulslike games with a fresh, expansive approach to mechanics cherished by fans of the genre. Among these evolutionary elements lies a complex network of skill trees, offering numerous opportunities to customize your character’s stances, abilities, and magical arts to align with your personal combat philosophy. Naturally, this raises the question: is there a way to revisit these decisions?
Many games in this genre demand unwavering commitment to your build, encouraging players to refine their choices step by step, often locking in changes unless you decide to restart entirely. Some games even make reskilling an exceedingly challenging task, burdened with significant costs. However, Black Myth: Wukong breaks away from these constraints.
Is Reskilling Possible in Black Myth: Wukong?
Indeed, Black Myth: Wukong grants you the freedom to reskill your abilities, and the process is remarkably straightforward. When the need to adjust skills becomes pressing, simply head to any shrine, navigate to the menu by selecting "Self-Development," and then choose "Ignite Sparks Again."
On the following screen, you can reclaim all Sparks previously allocated, allowing you to redistribute them among any skills you wish to explore again. For those inclined to save their Sparks for future use, rest assured that these Sparks remain untouched by death—they patiently await your return, ready for redistribution whenever you decide.
Flexible Skill Adjustments
The true marvel, however, lies not only in the simplicity of the process but also in the absence of any penalties for frequent recalibrations. This freedom allows you to experiment with various builds, refining your character’s abilities to perfectly suit your playstyle. Once you identify the skills that best align with your strategy, you can reskill precisely, paving the way for targeted enhancements.
Sparks, the currency for development, are generously distributed through defeating enemies and unlocking meditation points. This steady influx ensures ample opportunities to enhance your character throughout the game. Continue defeating your foes and exploring every corner, and you’ll be richly rewarded.
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