Stardew Valley Tapper Gids
Laatst gewijzigd op 29 januari 2025 in
In Stardew Valley, making money isn’t limited to growing and selling crops. Another way to generate income is by collecting natural resources from trees using special devices—tappers. Below, we’ll go over how to craft a tapper, the different types available, and how to use them efficiently.
The tapper crafting recipe becomes available once you reach Foraging Level 4.
Once unlocked, you can craft this tool using 40 Wood and 2 Copper Bars. When placed on a tree, the tapper will start collecting valuable resources such as Maple Syrup and Oak Resin. Additionally, it can be attached to a Green Rain Tree, which will produce Fiddlehead Fern—a key ingredient for Fiddlehead Risotto and a required item for completing the Chef’s Bundle on the Bulletin Board.
Keep in mind that tappers cannot be placed on Fruit Trees. However, they can be used on other trees throughout all seasons, including winter. The only exception is Mushroom Trees and Green Rain Trees, which do not yield any products during winter.
In addition to the standard tapper, Stardew Valley’s 1.5 update introduced the Heavy Tapper. While both function similarly, the Heavy Tapper produces resources twice as fast as the regular one.
You can unlock the Heavy Tapper recipe by purchasing it for 20 Qi Gems in Mr. Qi’s Secret Walnut Room on Ginger Island. Crafting a Heavy Tapper requires 30 Hardwood and 1 Radioactive Bar.
The type of resource you get depends on the tree the tapper is attached to. Here’s what each tree yields:
Using tappers is a simple yet effective way to gather valuable materials in Stardew Valley, ensuring a steady supply of resources all year round.
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