Cum să învingeți șeful Blackgaol Knight în Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree’s
Last modified on 25 iulie 2024 in
3 min read
Spartak Itskovich
Game Content Writer
Șef nou: Cavalerul Blackgaol
Venturing into the Shadow of the Erdtree, players encounter numerous challenges. One area houses a temple with a knight wielding a massive mace, another features a colossal Vine-Man with its own intellect, and further ahead lies a swamp populated by dark warriors. Players still adapting to Elden Ring's mechanics often find themselves west of a ruined camp, passing through a bird's nest and descending into a mausoleum where death awaits alongside a crossbow. However, the Blackgaol Knight is the key obstacle to acquiring crucial armor elements early in the game.
Upon entering the Blackgaol Knight's chamber, he attacks with a barrage of fiery arrows that can quickly deplete the player's health. His primary attack method when the opponent is out of reach is shooting with a crossbow. However, even in close combat, he can charge his Greatsword and unleash a powerful energy wave followed by a deadly strike. Overall, it's a typical knight battle where he uses random Greatsword strikes in one-handed or two-handed modes, occasionally attempting a suicide attack.
Strategy for Fighting the Blackgaol Knight
This is a boss fight where Spirit Ashes cannot be summoned, leaving the player to fight alone. Once in the combat room, it's important to maneuver and approach the Knight during his barrage. Avoiding damage is possible, but minor injuries are not critical. After the barrage, the Knight is vulnerable while reloading. He is particularly sensitive to magical attacks, giving mages an advantage, while close-range fighters should choose weapons that allow quick responses without excessive greed.
When the player gets close, the Knight switches to Greatsword combat. In one-handed mode, his attacks are quick but can be dodged for a counterattack. Mages should maintain distance, and high-resilience players should use shields to block attacks. In two-handed mode, the Knight performs long combos that drain stamina and often end with a powerful wave attack that can be avoided, but maintaining distance is key.
When the Knight takes sufficient damage, he uses a Flask of Crimson Tears. This can be frustrating, but it happens only once and provides an opportunity for effective attacks. Patience and consistency are crucial in this battle.
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