Rust Обзор обновлений на август 2024 года
Continuous Major Updates
Welcome to the overview of Rust updates for August 2024! The latest update, titled "Stay Alert," introduces numerous new features, improvements, and bug fixes aimed at enhancing your gameplay experience. From innovative traps to subtle quality-of-life upgrades, here’s a comprehensive breakdown of everything you need to know to stay ahead.
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Tin Can Trap
Leading the new additions is the Tin Can Trap, a primitive but effective device crafted from hanging tin cans. When an unwary player triggers its tripwire, a loud clatter ensues, drawing attention from anyone within earshot. This versatile trap can be placed anywhere—from fortifying your base to guarding strategic points of interest. Despite its simplicity, this tool can become indispensable for detecting nearby threats!
Enhanced Sound Mechanics
If you thought hiding in bushes made you invisible, think again. The update introduces Replicated Bush Sounds, making rustling noises audible to nearby players. However, all is not lost for those who want to stay stealthy—slower movement produces quieter sounds, allowing you to sneak up on enemies under the cover of foliage if you tread carefully.
Realistic Underwater Item Behavior
Items dropped in water now behave more realistically, moving slower and responding to underwater currents. Additionally, these items release bubbles, making them easier to spot on the ocean floor—a small but significant improvement for underwater scavengers.
Zipline Improvements
Power line ziplines, already a popular mode of transportation, have received several enhancements in this update:
- Ziplines now choose the farthest possible destination.
- Maximum zipline length increased from 150m to 185m.
- Ziplines can now end at higher points on power line structures.
- Players can no longer fall off ziplines due to trees.
These changes promise longer, safer, and more elevated zipline journeys.
NPC Trader Price Adjustments
Facepunch addressed issues with the dynamic pricing system for NPC traders, revising it in this update:
- Prices now adjust in real-time instead of in-game time.
- Adjustments occur every 5 real-world hours instead of every 15 minutes.
These changes aim to create a more balanced and transparent pricing experience for all players.
Quality-of-Life Improvements
The August update also brings a host of quality-of-life improvements to make Rust more user-friendly:
- Trains can now break barricades placed too close to tracks.
- Motorcycles and snowmobiles can now be driven onto cargo containers, moved onto cargo ships, and even lowered via elevators.
- Improved controls for motorcycles with sidecars and faster turns using the crouch key.
- Horses can now cross terrain gaps such as train tunnels and launch ramps.
- Added new sound effects for switching fire modes.
- Players can now pass through storage adapters attached to boxes.
- Option to disable blood effects on the screen when injured.
- Last entered code on code locks now saves between sessions.
Bug Fixes
In addition to exciting new features, Facepunch resolved numerous issues, including:
- Problems with wandering traders.
- Malfunctions with saddlebags and pagers.
- Interactions with debris piles.
- Bugs with patrol helicopters.
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