How to Transfer Your World (Map) to Another Server
A game server and its world (map) have their own files, which store your game's data: the number of players registered on the server, settings, changes made to the map (buildings, farms, and everything else that players can create in the game world). In this article, we will explain how to retain your game world files and conveniently and safely transfer them to a new server (hosting) to continue playing.
4) Now open the File Manager section and find and delete the "world" folder. To delete any file or folder in the panel, click the trash can icon next to the desired file/folder, as shown in the screenshot below.
5) After deleting the current "world" folder in the panel, click the blue"Upload" button and upload the archive (or folder) with your world to replace the previous one.
6) Done! You can now launch the server and check out your world!
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Now you know how to upload your game world (map) to your new Minecraft server! Play together with GODLIKE.
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