How to change 7 days to die difficulty settings

Last modified on 24 July 2024 in 7 Days To Die
  • 2 min read
  • 3189
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

7 Days to Die difficulty

The 7 Days to Die dedicated server difficulty directly affects the gameplay experience. The higher the difficulty, the harder it is to find useful items, resources, and food, and enemies will be more aggressive, causing more harm to players. A high difficulty mode can create additional challenges for pro players and add interest to the gaming experience. In this article, we will discuss the difficulty levels and how to choose them on your 7 Days To Die server.


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7 Days to Die difficulty levels

The game offers five difficulty levels:

0-Scavenger Easiest mode for beginners Damage from zombies: 50% Damage from players: 150%
1 - Adventurer easy mod Damage from zombies: 75% Damage from players: 125%
2 - Nomad For experienced players Damage from zombies: 100% Damage from players: 100%
3 - Warrior more challenges Damage from zombies: 150% Damage from players: 75%
4 - Survivalist a lot of challenges for experienced players Damage from zombies: 200% Damage from players: 50%
5 - Insane hardest mode Damage from zombies: 250% Damage from players: 25%

How to enable difficulty on 7 Days To Die server

Open the game panel of your server.

GODLIKE website main page


Go to the Startup Settings section and in the Game Difficulty line, enter the number corresponding to the desired difficulty level (0-5).

server startup settings


Pro Mode should be activated in the game panel

Now you know how to change 7 days to die difficulty for your 7 Days To Die server. Good luck in the game! Play together with GODLIKE.

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