Data Packs, introduced in Minecraft 1.13, allow players to modify game aspects like advancements, recipes, structures, and more. They can be used in both singleplayer and multiplayer worlds, with the same installation process. Players can alter crafting recipes, create new biomes, adjust game mechanics, add achievements, and automate commands.
Step 4: Using SFTP, navigate to the path /world/datapacks and upload your Data Packs to this folder.
Step 5: Once everything is uploaded, start your server.
After installation, you can view and manage your Data Packs using the /datapack list command to check if they are working correctly.
Also, don't forget to install any required texture packs if the Data Pack requires them.
Now that you've learned about Data Packs, try downloading some packs and implementing them into your Minecraft world. Don't forget to explore different possibilities to make your game even more fun.