How to Get a Trial Server

Last modified on 07 November 2024 in Billing
  • 2 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Why Do You Need a Trial Server

We don’t always know what we need—that’s why GODLIKE Minecraft server hosting offers a trial server service. Every player has the opportunity to try a server for their favorite game for one week. We value and care about the comfort of our players, which is why in this article we will tell you how to get a trial server!

How to Order a 3-Day Trial Server

1) Go to the GODLIKE homepage.

2) Click on Order a server button.

godlike homepage

3) Once you have chosen a game, hover over it and click the "View" button.

check game server info button

4) On the game page, you will see the "Other plans" button, click on it. You will be able to view various plans for your future server.

other tarrifs button

5) Select the plan that you liked and click on the "Test 3 days" button.

testing 3 days

6) On the new page, choose a subscription plan (monthly, quarterly, etc.), because after the 3 days of testing, you will need to pay for further use of the hosting. After that, select the type of server (for Minecraft game), its location, and the option to transfer previous hosting to the new one. Also, on this page, you can find optional services from us to improve your server! When you have finished, click the blue "Continue" button.

order a 3 days server

optional server info

additional service info

continue button

7) Once you have successfully ordered the trial server, go to your gaming panel on GODLIKE homepage.

game panel button on GODLIKE homepage

8) In the gaming panel, open the list of your servers, on this page you will see your server, which is fully ready for use!

Remember that after 3 days, you will need to pay for this server and its plan (which you chose).


Also, be sure to review our page regarding changing the plan for your server and its upgrades

Now you know how to order a trial server for 3 days, we hope you will enjoy it and stay with us! your GODLIKE.

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