Jak wziąć ślub w Stardew Valley
Who Can Marry You
The game features many characters, but you can't marry all of them (unless you install mods or the game gets an update). However, you do have 12 people to choose from for your wedding: the male characters are Alex, Elliot, Harvey, Sam, Sebastian, and Shane, and the female characters are Abigail, Emily, Haley, Leah, Maru, and Penny.
How to Interact with Characters
To start, you need to have 8 hearts of friendship with the character you like. To achieve this: talk to them daily, complete their requests, and make sure to give them gifts. Gifts play a significant role, and each character has their favorite items. If you plan to give someone a gift, it's best to check the official game wiki to see what the character likes.
You can earn up to 8 hearts with a character, after which you need to give them flowers to take the "kolejne step"
The "Next Step" After the 8th Heart
Once you reach 8 hearts with a character, visit Pierre's shop—he will sell the flowers you need to buy and give to your beloved.
After giving the flowers and advancing to the new relationship level, continue talking to the character, giving gifts, completing requests, and watching unique cutscenes until you reach ten hearts. Once you reach 10 hearts, you need to buy a Pendant to propose marriage.
How and Where to Get the Pendant
If you're sure of your choice and have reached maximum friendship with your partner, it's time to buy the mysterious Pendant.
To buy it, you need to:
- Upgrade your house at least once.
- Build a bridge to the right part of the beach (you need to gather wood for this).
After that, wait for a rainy day and head to the right part of the beach. There you will find the Old Mariner. Talk to him, and he will offer you the Pendant for 5000 gold.
Now, give this Pendant to your beloved. Once you do this, your wedding will take place in three in-game days.
Don't forget to complete all household chores before the wedding day, so you don't have to rush afterward
Life in Marriage
After the wedding, your partner will move into your house, and you'll get a new room matching your partner's style and mood, where they can spend time. They will also have a small area outside your house.
Sometimes your spouse will take care of your animals, tend to your crops, or cook meals for you. You can also kiss your partner and have small conversations. In marriage, the possible relationship level with your partner increases to 14 hearts, so you can still give them gifts.
How to Divorce Your Partner
It's life; there's nothing wrong if you really want to divorce your husband or wife. You can go to the mayor, and in the upper left corner, there will be two books. One of them will allow you to spend 50,000 gold to officially file for divorce.
You have until 10:00 PM on the day you file for divorce to change your mind, but if you don't cancel by then, your partner, their room, and their outdoor area will disappear the kolejne day when you wake up.
You can still marry other characters or erase your ex's memory by going to the Witch's Hut and purchasing this service for 30,000 gold. If you do this, your ex will interact with you as if nothing happened, and you can continue to be friends, date, and marry your exes again.
How to Marry Another Player (Multiplayer)
While playing Stardew Valley in multiplayer mode, you also have the option to propose to another player.
For this, you will need to use a ring instead of a pendant
Head to the Cindersap Forest on Friday or Sunday, where at the Traveling Cart in the northwest part, you can buy the recipe for crafting the ring for 1,000 gold. Besides the money for the recipe, you'll need five iridium bars and one prismatic shard to create it.
After giving the ring to another player and receiving their consent, your wedding will take place in three in-game days.
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