Najlepsi kumple na arenę PvP w Palworld Sakurajima
Last modified on 13 września 2024 in
The launch of the PvP arena in Palworld as part of the Sakurajima update has opened new opportunities for players who enjoy competitive gameplay. Many eagerly awaited the introduction of PvP, and effective strategies began to be analyzed even before this feature's full rollout. Now that access to the coliseum is available, it's time to look at the strongest Pals for the arena, though the meta may shift with future updates!
This list is not exhaustive, as the meta evolves over time, and your team may adapt and grow, but here are some standout Pals for PvP arena battles!
Warsect, our favorite in combat competitions, is also considered one of the strong contenders in the PvP arena. Despite its slowness, this beetle-like tank has more health compared to other end-game Pals like Jetragon and is capable of effectively controlling the battlefield.
If you've defeated Blazamut Ryu in a raid and obtained the Great Dragon Egg, you probably want Blazamut Ryu in your combat team. It boasts significant fire and dragon strength with an attack of 130 (melee: 150), making it a decisive fighter in PvP.
Jetragon is chosen for many reasons, including its impressive attack of 140, though its melee attack could be better. This Pal uses its speed to maneuver around the arena, striking from the air with long-range and dragon attacks. We've lost to Jetragon teams more than once!
Reliable tanks are always needed in PvP. Although Knocklem doesn't excel in speed or attack power, it has incredible defense. With a defense rating of 135, it can hold the line while other, more aggressive Pals attack the enemy.
Xenogard, introduced in the recent Sakurajima update, is one of the hardest to capture due to the randomness of the Meteor Event. Those lucky enough to catch it will find that this Dragon-type Pal has great attack and defense power, allowing it to fight effectively in PvP.
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