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Obtenha um desconto de 20% no primeiro mês!

Programa de afiliados Godlike.Host

  • Eles fazem compras connosco – você ganha
  • Banners e códigos promocionais personalizados
  • Rendimento médio do parceiro – $550 por mês

Como ganhar dinheiro com Godlike.Host

Tire partido do nosso serviço de 5 estrelas para obter lucros adicionais
Everyone is welcome to register and participate. Get started within minutes.
Create Ads
Create Ads
Obtain our brand assets and craft compelling content to drive traffic
Refer Friends
Refer Friends
Share your unique link with your friends and audience to introduce them to Godlike.Host
Get Paid
Get Paid
Earn a percentage of each sale and receive monthly payments via Paypalun porcentaje de cada venta y recibe pagos mensuales a través de Paypal
Seja um parceiro!
Recomende o alojamento de jogos de Godlike aos seus amigos e conhecidos - prometemos que todos ficarão satisfeitos!

As nossas vantagens competitivas

Explore as nossas vantagens competitivas que nos irão efetivamente distinguir dos nossos concorrentes e ter um impacto significativo nas taxas de conversão!
Unlike our primary competitors, we provide customers with a 7-days trial period for all tariff palns
We designed the most effective landing pages possible; the stylish design and usability contribute to our high conversion rates.
We also offer free hosting that converts to a paid service.
Various internet publications have written reviews about us, and we boast an excellent reputation on review sites. We have developed media outlets with numerous subscribers, a lot of useful content in the blog and knowledge base. This collective effort significantly impacts user's decision to order a service from us.
Os parceiros Godlike recebem pagamentos regulares. Temos um programa de referência muito bem pensado e estruturado. O nosso programa de afiliados está atualmente aberto a todos!


All the tools you need
All the tools you need
Upon registration, you will receive comprehensive support: an affiliate link, banners, promo codes, assistance, and statistics. If the pre-made banners are not suitable for your needs, we will create a personalized banner tailored to your project.
Detailed reports
Detailed reports
You will receive detailed figures, including information on attracted clients, commission charges, and balance withdrawals.
Payments through various payment systems
Payments through various payment systems
We offer a wide range of payment options, including PayPal, e-money, cryptocurrency, bank transfer, and more.
Unique promo codes
Unique promo codes
To encourage customers, we are prepared to issue a distinctive promotional code for hosting orders, featuring your project name. To obtain a promo code, please contact our support team through any available communication channel.

Nuance partnerství

You will be charged 15% of each customer's payment for the service they purchase
You will be charged 15% of each customer's payment for the service they purchase
Both on a monthly and annual basis if the client remains with us for an extended period. Given that our clients typically have enduring relationships with us, this is advantageous for both you and us.
Two methods for fun withdrawal
Two methods for fun withdrawal
You have the option to withdraw your affiliate earnings to your balance at any time, and you can also transfer them to your bank card or PayPal once the accumulated affiliate commissions reach $25.
Thorough order verification
Thorough order verification
It is important that the customer personally registers on the website and places an order using the affiliate link. If the IP address of the customer and the partner is the same, we may cancel the issuance of the affiliate bonus
Stát se partnerem je vzrušující příležitost

Trustpilot Logo

( 4,7/5 )
The best Minecraft host ever!

The best Minecraft host ever!

I rent Minecraft here for the third month (4gb), addons and plugins are installed directly from the panel, very quickly, I have not seen anything like this before))

They provide sftp access, so you can change the startup flags on your panel without contacting customer support.

With the replacement of games, the game became even more interesting!

From the beginning I bought Minecraft, but then changed to GTA, everything is absolutely free, and most importantly it takes only a matter of seconds

Amazing hosting

Everything is at the highest level, Tech support is fast and efficient, the hardware is just a bomb, the servers are super, I bought an average build for the Unturned server, nothing lags, does not hang, the average ping is 45.
Hosting is just a bomb👍

Godlike.host looks like a promising…

Godlike.host looks like a promising project with a great website. I look forward to opening

Proč se vám a vašim klientům u nás bude líbit

Customer support will respond in 37 seconds and facilitate the server migration process

The Godlike.Host support team will not leave you in trouble and will answer extraordinary questions. The support works flawlessly: it responds to chat in 37 seconds and to tickets in 35 minutes. The support team is always ready to meet the client’s needs: to advise on hosting or offer a discount on an individual basis.


If the client already has a server on another gaming hosting, we will transfer it for free and select a suitable tariff. And to help our clients understand game hosting and educate themselves, we regularly update our knowledge base and blog with useful articles.

Optimal Ryzen-based server configurations swift game server performance

Our servers are located in data centers in Ukraine, the USA, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, and England. They are powered by the most modern Ryzen-based processors. We use the fastest RAM and SSD drives to ensure the best stability and performance. The user experience is even more comfortable thanks to our Godlike Panel. The thing about our panel is that it is suitable for both experienced users and beginners in the world of creating their own game servers.

Staňte se partnerem pro obsah

Hledáme nové členy našeho úžasného týmu obsahových partnerů! Máme za sebou skvělý rok a naši tvůrci obsahu vytvořili tolik úžasného a rozmanitého obsahu, který s vámi všemi sdílíme.
Hledáme ještě více tvůrců obsahu, abychom mohli pokračovat ve sdílení všech vašich skvělých herních projektů!

I want to!


  • How do I withdraw my affiliate payout?

  • Is it possible to be a partner without a website?

  • Can I become a partner without buying your services?

  • If your banners don't fit, can I make my own?

  • How fast are affiliate bonuses credited?

  • Are payments repeated?

  • Can I get a unique link?

  • Can I get a higher commission?

Skvělé, všechno mi vyhovuje!
Staňte se partnerem!


20% de desconto

O seu primeiro mês!

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