Obsidian is not the rarest resource in ARK Survival Evolved servers, but it is not evenly spread across the maps. Fortunately, there are several key локаціяs where players can gather it efficiently:
Once you’ve identified a reliable obsidian source, you’ll need the right tools. A metal pickaxe is essential for mining obsidian—using a stone pickaxe won’t work.
Additionally, bringing a mount such as an Argentavis or Quetzal is recommended to transport the heavy loads of obsidian efficiently.
After gathering obsidian, it can be used in crafting advanced materials, primarily polymer—a key component for high-tech equipment and structures.
Players also have the option to substitute obsidian with organic polymer when crafting polymer-based items. However, obsidian remains a valuable resource for various crafting needs, making it worthwhile to collect.
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