How to Set Up PvP on a V Rising Server

Last modified on 31 January 2025 in V Rising
  • 2 min read
  • 2133
  • 2
Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

PvP Mode

If PvP mode is enabled on your V Rising server, it allows all players on the server to engage in combat with each other. You can also customize the conditions of this mode according to your preferences or the players' preferences. For example, you can make PvP consent-based, or allow battles only during specific in-game days or times.


How to Join a V Rising Server

How to Set Up PvP on the Server

Disable/Enable PvP Mode:

1) First, navigate to your server's game panel and turn it off. This can be done in the Console section.

shutting down a server

2) Then, go to the File Manager section and open the server's configuration file (as shown in the screenshots).

GODLIKE game panel file manager

servers config file

3) Now, find the line GameModeType in this file. In this line, you can change PvP to PvE to prohibit players from fighting each other. Done.

configuration file: PvP/PvE line

Setting Conditions for PvP:

In this configuration file, find the line PlayerInteractionSettings. In its lines, you can adjust various settings for the specific conditions of PvP between players.

PvP settings


How to Change the Duration of the In-Game Day on a V Rising Server

Now you know how to set up PvP and its conditions on your V Rising server, adding uniqueness to it and convenience for the players! Play together with GODLIKE.

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