Killing Floor 3: Release Date & Features
What’s New in Killing Floor 3? Prepare for chaos and carnage as Killing Floor 3 plunges players back into a...
We offer game server hosting for 30+ titles, including Minecraft, ARK Survival Ascended, GTA5 FiveM, Terraria, Palworld, and more.
What’s New in Killing Floor 3? Prepare for chaos and carnage as Killing Floor 3 plunges players back into a...
Ce este nou în Killing Floor 3? Pregătește-te pentru haos și carnagiu în timp ce Killing Floor 3 aruncă jucătorii...
Vad är nytt i Killing Floor 3? Förbered dig på kaos och blodbad när Killing Floor 3 kastar tillbaka spelarna...
Hvad er nyt i Killing Floor 3? Forbered dig på kaos og blodbad, når Killing Floor 3 kaster spillerne tilbage...
Killing Floor 3 の新機能は? Zeds と呼ばれる悪夢のような生物工学クリーチャーが跋扈するディストピアの未来にプレイヤーを再び引き込むKilling Floor 3では、混乱と殺戮に備えよう。今度の作品では、斬新なメカニクス、より深い戦略、そして残酷な出会いが導入され、フランチャイズの激しいウェーブベースの戦闘が新たな高みへと昇華される。ここでは、この待望のシューティングゲームについて知っておくべきすべてを紹介しよう。 キリングフロア 3』は、アップグレードされたビジュアル、破壊可能な環境、そして恐ろしい新タイプの敵でシリーズをさらに進化させる。再設計されたクラスシステムはチームベースの戦略を強化し、洗練された戦闘メカニクスはより血なまぐさく、より没入感のある体験を約束する。 ヒント お気に入りのゲームのサーバーを作ろう 前作から数年後を舞台にした本作では、エリート傭兵たちがアウトブレイクを食い止めようと必死でホルジンの怪物と戦う姿が描かれる。骨を砕くような乱戦、グロテスクなバラバラ死体、破壊的な武器の数々が登場する。マルチプレイも拡張され、クロスプラットフォームに対応し、激しさを増す新たな協力モードが追加された。 重苦しいSFホラーの美学を取り入れた『キリングフロア3』は、長年のファンにも新規プレイヤーにもアピールする、アドレナリン全開の体験を提供することを目指している。 発売日& ベータテスト 1月31日、Tripwire Interactiveはnew enemy —...
Co je nového ve hře Killing Floor 3? Připravte se na chaos a krveprolití, protože hra Killing Floor 3 hráče...
Какво е новото в Killing Floor 3? Подгответе се за хаос и касапница, тъй като Killing Floor 3 връща играчите...
Hva er nytt i Killing Floor 3? Forbered deg på kaos og blodbad når Killing Floor 3 kaster spillerne tilbake...
The functioning of online games uniting tens of thousands of gamers in one virtual universe requires powerful hardware. Minecraft hosting tailored for these tasks will be an excellent option for creating and managing modded Minecraft servers without interruption.
We are talking about a service that allows you to host online game engines on servers that have a stable Internet connection.
It must be understood that online projects are quite gluttonous and require significant resources, so if you want to create your own Minecraft server that will function 24/7, you will need an appropriate Minecraft server hosting.
Modded Minecraft server hosting is a remote modded Minecraft server that works 24/7 that everyone can connect to without using third-party software programs (Hamachi, RadminVPN)
Minecraft servers will be available within seconds after payment. Simply select the server and purchase it using your preferred currency and requirements.
Modded Minecraft servers will be online 24/7, 365 days a year until the billing plan expires.
Yes, people from any country will be able to connect to your server without any difficulty.
Go to Settings and click Upgrade/Downgrade or use our new quiz. You will be billed a prorated price and your modded Minecraft server will be upgraded immediately after we receive your payment.
You have up to three backups per day for free. You can restore your Minecraft server from a backup when it is necessary.
It takes up to 5 minutes to install Minecraft server.
You can view our best Minecraft server hosting plans to get the most suitable offer. There is also trial with full access to the best Minecraft server hosting and a user-friendly control panel. Choose the best option for you.
Here you will find news, updates, promotions and exclusive offers. Get help from other players and our support team, and manage your server directly through Discord.