How to setup your Counter-Strike server

Last modified on 07 November 2024 in Counter-Strike
  • 2 min read
  • 4446
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Valeriy Stereo

Valeriy Stereo

CCO, Creative Director

How to issue administrator rights on the CS:GO server?

ADMIN — in the field of CS GO server, this is the owner of the server, a person with server administration rights, management with special server rights.

First, we will go to site to find out our Steam ID in the format we need, and link there to our Steam profile

We copy the Steam 2 ID

Next, go to the Godlike panel, choose a server.

With the help of the "File Manager" by the path csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs we find the file admins_simple.ini and add the necessary terms to it with our SteamID copied at the beginning of this guide. Example:

"STEAM_1:1:50819368" "99:bcdj" // Moderator

"STEAM_1:0:183103799" "99:abcdefgjk" // Moderator2

"STEAM_1:0:93806243" "99:z" // Head administrator


If you do not have this file, then you need to create it, how to use the file manager here


STEAM_1:1:50819368 - Your STEAMID. 99:abcdefgjk is the administration priority, it can be from 0 to 100 and alphabetically. The higher the priority, the more "important" the administrator is than another administrator, we recommend setting it to 100.

Immunity - issued according to rank. The main administrator has a protection of 99. Vol oh, who has more importance can ban the one who has less importance. Rights - issued at your request, each written letter is responsible for different opportunities, which are described below.

a — reserve slot.

b — Generic admin; required for admins.

c — Player kick.

d — Player ban.

e — Rozban player.

f — Knock/kill a player.

g — Change maps.

h — Edit cvar parameters.

i — Connecting config.

j — Special chat privileges.

k — Run/create poll.

l — Setting a password on the server.

m — Using RCON commands.

z — Enable all flags (root).

o — Custom Group 1.

p — Custom Group 2.

q — Custom Group 3.

r — Custom Group 4.

s — Custom Group 5.

t — Custom Group 6.

Now you have become a server administrator and understood how to add moderators, and which parameter is responsible for what. Enjoy using the server!

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