Adding a Workshop Modification to Your Garry’s Mod Server

Last modified on 19 July 2024 in Garry's Mod
  • 2 min read
  • 3195
  • 2
Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Steam Workshop

Using Garry's Mod server hosting with Steam Workshop is a section where you can find numerous modifications for various games. Game maps, modes, weapons, characters, and much more, especially for Garry's Mod. Using modifications can significantly change the gaming experience, making it more fun, interesting, and extensive.


Don't have your own Gmod server yet? Order a server for the game right now

How to add a modification to the server?

1) Go to Steam, hover over the Community section, and select the Workshop subsection.

Steam main page

2) On the new page, search for Garry's Mod.

Steam workshop

3) Choose the modification you like, click on it, and check its ID. It will always be indicated in the link.

Garry's Mod modifications

4) Go to the game panel of your server. Make sure it is turned off.

Game panel console

stop server button

5) Open the Startup Settings section and enter the list of numbers (modification ID) in the Workshop ID line, after which it will be automatically saved.


Please note that you need to have Pro Mode activated

GODLIKE game panel server configuration


We suggest learning how to set up automatic content loading for your players

Now you know how to apply the necessary modification to your Garry's Mod server and can have a great time with a new gaming experience. Play together with GODLIKE.

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