How to Add an Administrator to a Left 4 Dead 2 Server

Last modified on 31 January 2025 in Left 4 Dead 2
  • 2 min read
  • 2182
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Gameplay and Management

On a Left 4 Dead 2 server, a player with administrator rights can not only manage other players (such as blocking and banning) and handle technical issues, but also make significant in-game changes during play: changing maps, adding numerous mobs (even spawning a boss at the start of the game), adjusting difficulty levels, and much more. This will definitely make the game on the server more enjoyable, depending on your players' preferences.


Order your own Left 4 Dead 2 server

How to Add an Administrator to Your Server

1) First, log into the game panel and stop the server. This can be done in the Console section.

GODLIKE game panel console

shutting down a server

2) Next, copy the link to your profile and enter it on this website to obtain your SteamID in the required format.

getting SteamID

profiles SteamID

3) Now, go to the File Manager section of the game panel, follow the path to left4dead2/addons/sourcemod/configs, and open the file admins_simple.ini.

GODLIKE game panel file manager

games file

4) Open this file and write at the bottom: "SteamID" "99:z". (as shown in the screenshot)

adding admin to the server

Save the file and you can start the server.


Enter the correct SteamID that you obtained from the website above

Now you know how to add an administrator to your Left 4 Dead 2 server and can conveniently manage the gameplay. Play together with GODLIKE.

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