How to ban or unban a player on a Rust server?

Last modified on 23 July 2024 in RUST
  • 2 min read
  • 3353
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Player Management

Using Rust server hosting may have various players, and sometimes situations arise where it is necessary to ban a player for misconduct or the use of software, or conversely, if a player has been banned accidentally. In this article, we will tell you how to unban or ban a player on the server.


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How to ban/unban a player

1) Check the SteamID of the player you need to ensure it is correct. You can easily find out the SteamID of the player - copy the link to their profile and paste it on this website.

2) Open the console in the game panel.

GODLIKE game console

3) Enter the command /banid "SteamID" "reason for the ban" to ban the player.

ban command


When using the /banid command - enclose the SteamID in quotes.
If you want to ban a player by their nickname instead of SteamID, then enter /ban "Player's Nickname" "reason for the ban".

4) If you want to unban a player, enter the command /unban SteamID, when using this command, you don't need to use quotes.

unban command

You can check the list of banned players in the config file of your server at this path: ./server/Server_Name/cfg/bans.cfg

game files

Now you know how to effectively manage players on your server and take the necessary actions. Play together with GODLIKE.

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