How to Ban or Kick a Player from a Valheim Server

Last modified on 23 July 2024 in Valheim
  • 2 min read
  • 3556
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Server manage

Valheim dedicated server management functions, such as banning and kicking players important which we'll cover important server management functions such as banning and kicking players. These commands are invaluable for preventing disruption caused by cheaters or players who violate server rules. Also, check out how to enable administrator rights on your Valheim server.

How to Ban a Player

1) Go to the game panel and open the File Manager section.

GODLIKE game panel

2) Navigate to /home/container/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim. Open the bannedlist.txt file and enter the SteamID of the player you wish to ban. Save the changes.

server file manager


To find a player's SteamID, copy the link to their profile and use it on this site

3) You can also ban a player while in-game. Open the console (press F5) and type the command ban SteamID or character name.

How to Kick a Player

Enter the command kick SteamID or character name in the console during the game.

How to Unblock a Player

To unban a player via console, type the command unban SteamID or character name.

If you banned a player through the bannedlist.txt file, remove their SteamID from this file and save the changes.

Now you know how to manage players on your server and can take steps to improve the gameplay experience. Play together with GODLIKE.

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