How to Ban or Eject a Player on a V Rising Server

Last modified on 31 January 2025 in V Rising
  • 2 min read
  • 2354
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Managing the Game Process

The presence of an administration on a large V Rising server can significantly manage the gaming process, such as controlling players. Sometimes, some players break the server rules, behave poorly towards other players, or use cheats. For these issues, timely actions need to be taken, such as banning a player for serious violations or ejecting them from the server to stop them from spoiling the game.


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How to Ban/Eject a Player During the Game

You can ban or eject a player directly during the game on the server itself. To do this, use the game console, which can be opened by pressing the ~ key on the keyboard. In the game menu, make sure that console use is enabled.

V Rising game console setup

To ban a player, type the command bancharacter player_nickname in the console. To eject a player from the server, type kick player_nickname or their ID, then press Enter.


To unban a player, use the command unban SteamID

How to Ban a Player Using the Game Panel

Go to your server's game panel, and then to the File Manager section. Here, navigate to the banlist.txt file located at save-data/Settings. Open this file.

file banlist.txt in file manager GODLIKE

In each line of this file (enter one per line), you can write the nickname/SteamID of the player, after which, save the file. These players will not be able to join your server.

block players via servers file


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Now you know how to manage the gaming process on your server and can improve it for your players! Play together with GODLIKE.

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