How to Block or Unblock a Player on a Conan Exiles Server

Last modified on 23 July 2024 in Conan Exiles
  • 2 min read
  • 2591
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Player Blocking

Conan Exiles server hosting functions are available for blocking and kicking on every gaming server. These are essential commands if you want to maintain order and enforce rules on your server, especially when it has many players. You can also unblock players who have served their punishment or were blocked by mistake.


Order your future Conan Exiles server

How to Block a Player on Your Server

1) First, join your server in the game.

2) Press the ESC key and select the ADMIN PANEL section.

game menu

3) Then, open the player table by clicking on Player List. Select the player you wish to block and click Ban next to their nickname.

players list on server

ban player in a game

You can also kick a player using the game panel console. Open the game panel, go to the Console section, type the command kickplayer player reason message in the command line and press Enter.

kick player by console

How to Unblock a Player

In the game panel, open the File Manager section and access the file blacklist.txt located at /ConanSandbox/Saved/. Remove the players you wish to unblock from this file, then save the changes.

GODLIKE game panel file manager


How to Make Yourself an Administrator on a Conan Exiles Server

Now you know how to manage players on your Conan Exiles server. Play together with GODLIKE.

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