
How to Change the Duration of the In-Game Day on a V Rising Server

Last modified on 31 January 2025 in V Rising
  • 2 min read
  • 2406
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Game Day

In V Rising servers, there are a full 24 in-game hours, during which day and night will pass. If you wish to make the gameplay on your server more unique or tailored to your preferences, you can change the duration of the day or night through settings.


Order your own V Rising server

How to Change the Duration of the In-Game Day

First, navigate to the game panel and turn off the server. Then, open the File Manager section and click on the blue Configs button to access the settings file.

GODLIKE game panel file manager

server files config

In this file, find the line DayDurationInSeconds and change the number specified there to your desired duration (in seconds).

V Rising config file setup


This way, you will change the duration of the entire in-game day (day and night)

How to Change the Duration of the Day

In the same file, find the line GameTimeModifiers (it will also contain the line we changed earlier).

config file setup

Now, you can change the duration of the day itself in the following lines:

DayStartHour;DayStartMinute - start of the in-game day (after night);
DayEndHour;DayEndMinute - end of the in-game day (start of night)


How to Change the Game Settings Preset for a V Rising Server

Now you know how to manage the duration of the day, night, and overall day for your V Rising server. Play together with GODLIKE.

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