How to Change the GameSettingsPreset for a V Rising Server

Last modified on 23 July 2024 in V Rising
  • 2 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

What is a Game Settings Preset

V Rising server hosting settings Preset is a set of general settings for the server's gameplay. Each aspect of the game (difficulty, map, game items, locations) has its own setting, each of which you can edit as desired. If you want to change the gameplay somehow but don't want to spend a lot of time editing each aspect individually, you can choose a ready-made Game Settings Preset for the server in the settings. In this article, we will tell you about them and how to apply them.


Order your own V Rising server

How to change the Game Settings Preset on the server

Go to your server's game panel and turn it off in the Console section.

GODLIKE game panel console

shutting down a server

Next, go to the Startup Setting section and click on the Game Settings Preset line. You will see a list of various parameters. Choose the one you need.

game setting list in panel

Below, we will tell you about each setting:

StandardPvP Standard PvP settings, balanced
StandardPvP_Easy Enemies deal less damage, easier to kill, more items and resources
StandardPvP_Hard Enemies deal more damage and are harder to kill, fewer items and resources
Level30PvP rules, but everyone starts with level 30 equipment, resources, and progress
Level50PvP Standard rules, but everyone starts with level 50 equipment, resources, and progress
Level70PvP Standard rules, but everyone starts with level 70 equipment, resources, and progress
SoloPvP Standard rules, balanced for solo combat
DuoPvP Standard PvP rules, balanced for clans with two players
HardcorePvP Hardcore mode
StandardPvE Standard PvE settings, balanced
StandardPvE_Easy Enemies deal less damage, easier to kill, more items and resources (PvE)
StandardPvE_Hard Enemies deal more damage and are harder to kill, fewer items and resources (PvE)
Level30PvE Standard PvE rules, but everyone starts with level 30 equipment, resources, and progress (PvE)
Level50PvE Standard PvE rules, but everyone starts with level 50 equipment, resources, and progress (PvE)
Level70PvE Standard PvE rules, but everyone starts with level 70 equipment, resources, and progress (PvE)

Now you know what preset settings are available for the V Rising server and can choose according to your preference. Play together with GODLIKE.

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