How to change the map of the Enshrouded server

Last modified on 20 September 2024 in Enshrouded
  • 2 min read
  • 3380
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Enshrouded Map

If you wish to change the Enshrouded map for your Enshrouded servers, either to start a new game and erase all progress or vice versa, to switch to a map with plenty of resources and a large base, this article will guide you through the process.


Don't have your own Enshrouded server yet? We're here to help, order a server right now

How to Change the Enshrouded World Map

1) Log in to your game panel and shut down your server.

game panel console

2) Navigate to the folder where Steam/userdata/Your Steam ID/1203620/Remote is located.


The necessary folder can be found where Steam is installed. 1203620 is the Enshrouded game ID

steam folder

game files

3) Select the two files of the desired map (save). One of them should have the .info extension.

4) Access the folder with your server and open the savegame folder. Delete the old files and upload the new ones.

game panel file manager


You can learn how to change the name of your Enshrouded server here

Now you know how to change the map on your Enshrouded server and can conveniently play on different worlds. Play with GODLIKE.

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