How to Change Your Palworld Server Name?

Last modified on 13 July 2024 in Palworld
  • 1 min read
  • 3158
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Your Server's Individuality

Every Palworld servers owner wants to create a unique and attractive project for players. One component of your server's uniqueness is its name. If you make a pleasant, catchy, and simple name that players can easily remember, it can give your server more recognition.


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How to Change Your Server's Name?

1) Go to the game panel, make sure the server is turned off.

GODLIKE game panel console

2) Go to the Startup Settings section and on the right, find the Server Name line.

game panel settings tab

3) Enter the desired server name in the line and that's it. The line will automatically save the new name. After that, you can start the server.

Now you can add personalization to your server by changing its name. Play together with GODLIKE.

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