How to Change the Plan of a Free Server?

Last modified on 07 November 2024 in Billing
  • 2 min read
  • 3332
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Changing Plans

If you already have your own modded Minecraft server hosting on Godlike, then you know that we always offer various plan plans for each game.

GODLIKE minecfraft tariffs

Even if you have chosen a free server for your favorite game, you can still change your plan for this server and switch to one that is more attractive to you.


You can learn how to change the RAM and other functionality of your server

How to change the plans?

1) Open the main page of GODLIKE. Click on the Billing button.

GODLIKE website buttons

2) Next, select your server and click the Manage button.

server manage button

3) Click the Upgrade/Downgrade button. In the new window, you can choose a new plans that you like.


Review the list of games that we offer for hosting and choose a game for your future server

settings description


When upgrading the plan, there will be a recalculation for the number of days used under the old plan, and you will need to pay additionally for the remaining days until the end of the paid period - according to the new plan. When downgrading the plan, the funds will be automatically added to the balance

Now you know how to change the plan if you need more resources for a large game server. Play together with GODLIKE.

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