How to enable server mods in Don`t Starve Together?

Last modified on 23 July 2024 in Don't Starve Together
  • 3 min read
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Vladyslav Kryshtafovych

Vladyslav Kryshtafovych

Game Specialist

How to enable server mods in Don`t Starve Together?

Don't Starve Together dedicated server with addictive survival multiplayer that challenges players to work together. You can team up with your friends or other players to collect resources and fight off monsters, or you can fight each other and compete for territory. The variety of characters and enemies makes for a unique and exciting experience, but even the most loyal fans of the original game's content may find it too much. In this case, you should turn to mods that can breathe new life into the game and bring back the sense of adventure while exploring the DST world. In this article, we will help you figure out how to enable server mods in Don't Starve Together server.

 Downloading mods from Steam Workshop

In order to start playing with mods, you first need to download them from the Steam Workshop.

  1. In your Steam library, select Don`t Starve Together (1), under the "PLAY" button among the tabs, find the "Workshop" tab (2).
  2. Choose your favorite modification from all available in the Workshop.
  3. After selecting the desired modification, click on it, and when you get to its page, click the "Subscribe" button. After that, the modification will be downloaded, the time of which depends on the size of the files, but usually it takes no more than a few minutes.
  4. The modification is installed!

How do I enable server mods on the server?

After downloading from the Workshop, you need to enable the mods.

  1. In the main menu, select "Host Game".
  2. When you start the world, select the "Mods" tab (1), in the list on the left, be sure to switch to "Server Mods" (2), and click on the window next to the desired mod (3) to enable it. When the mod is enabled, we can see a confirmation text at the bottom of the screen (4).
  3.  Server mods are enabled!

And that is it, now you know how to enable DST server mods! If you want to keep your server running around the clock, regardless of whether your PC is working or not, you can use hosting services from Godlike. In addition to favorable plans, we also guarantee you qualified support that will help you to deal with any situation.

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