How to host a heist in GTA 5?

Last modified on 22 July 2024 in GTA 5
  • 4 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

What is a heist in GTA?

How to do a heist in FiveM server hosting? A heist is a game mode in GTA Online that consists of multiplayer cooperative missions, which encourage players to work together. The level of communication and team coordination can determine the success or failure of each mission.

In this article, you will learn how to start a heist with friends or other players and earn a lot of money with this dangerous way on servers GTA 5.

How to organize and participate in a heist?

The main requirement for organizing a robbery in GTA Online is that your character must be rank 12 and own a high-end home. However, if you do not have rank 12 or do not own high-end housing, you can still take part in a heist if you have been invited by another player who meets the requirements.

To join a heist as an uninvited team member, go to the Quick Tasks menu on your phone. Then select Play Heist to start the game. If you meet the required criteria, Lester will call you to organize your first heist.


Lester is the game character in charge of heists in the GTA Online world, each player is connected to him

After you complete the first preparation mission, you will have to wait a bit before Lester calls you for the next part of the heist. There is also a slight delay between completing the first heist and Lester calling you for the second heist.

To replay the robbery, call Lester from your game phone and select the "Request Robbery" option. You will be able to replay any of the previous robberies. However, you may not be able to replay the heist instantly, as there is a "cooling-off period" after each heist is completed.

How do I invite friends to a heist?

To invite a friend to the current session, click Options and go to the FRIENDS list. Next, find the friend you want to invite, click on their name and then "Send Invite".

To start a private heist with your friends, you'll have to do it from the story mode. This time, select "Options" again and go to "Online", "Play GTA Online". After selecting this option, you will get several options, including starting a private session for friends, which will allow you to play GTA Online only with friends.

How do I start a heist in GTA 5 Online?


Players who are ranked 12 or higher and own a luxury apartment will receive a phone call from Lester

After accepting the call from Lester and starting the heist, the player becomes the leader of the heist, who can invite other players in the lobby, from the friends list or players from the previous heist. Regardless of the level, all players, who have completed the GTA Online Tutorial prior to Gerald's first LTS assignment, are eligible to participate in heists.

The heist leader is responsible for paying the costs of equipment and additional NPC personnel needed to complete the task. However, there is a positive side: the heist leader gets the largest share (approximately 40%) after completion and distributes the roles among the other players.

Now you are ready for joint heists with your friends, be careful and good luck. Play together with GODLIKE.

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