How to host a street race in GTA 5?

Last modified on 22 July 2024 in GTA 5
  • 2 min read
  • 2077
  • 6
Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

What is racing in GTA Online and how to start it

FiveM game gives you a lot of room for different types of gaming pleasure. Robberies, missions, challenges, and much more. Street racing in fast supercars is no exception. In this article, we will tell you how to start your own races with other players or friends.

How to start your own race on the GTA server

1) Launch GTA and enter the multiplayer game.

2) Press Esc and enter the Online section.

3) Select the Options subsection and set the Matchmaking function to closed.


You can enable player search and auto-invite to avoid other players. Each time a level is completed, you will remain the host for all games you play until you return to free search

4) Now, in the Online tab, select the race you are interested in and start it.

5) Once you've started, set the parameters you need and invite players if you wish. Done.


If you are interested in how to start your own heist in GTA Online, check following article

Be careful on the road, and we wish you only victories in your gaming competitions. Play together with GODLIKE.

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