How to Install Mods in Project Zomboid server

Last modified on 24 February 2025 in Project Zomboid
  • 2 min read
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Support Team, Game Specialist

Mods for Project Zomboid

Hosting a Project Zomboid server with mods opens up endless possibilities for a richer, more varied gaming experience. In this guide, you’ll discover how to easily install and manage mods on your Project Zomboid server, bringing fresh content and exciting new features to your gameplay.


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How to Install a Mods on Your Project Zomboid Server?

To download and install mods for your Project Zomboid server, follow these steps:

Step 1: Start the server so that the .cache folder is automatically created.
If you have already run the server for the first time, this folder already exists on the server and you do not need to perform this step.

Step 2: Now open the file manager and navigate to the following path /home/container/.cache/Server

Step 3: Open the Project Zomboid GodlikeHost Server.ini file

Step 4: Navigate to line 55 in the file and enter the Mod IDs separated by semicolons.

Step 5: Next, find line 182 in the same file, and enter the mod Workshop IDs, separated by semicolons.


This information can be found in the Steam workshop description of the mods.

Step 6: After making the changes, save the file to apply the changes and start your server.

If you followed the instructions correctly, modifications will be automatically uploaded to the server once the server is started.

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