How to Install Modifications from the Steam Workshop to a Conan Exiles Server

Last modified on 23 July 2024 in Conan Exiles
  • 2 min read
  • 3042
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Game Modifications

Conan Exiles servers with modifications can be created by players who develop new content for their favorite games or by professional development teams who make extensive and global modifications, altering the entire gameplay process. Modifications can vary greatly, including game maps, characters, appearances, weapons, gameplay elements, and more.


Order a Conan Exiles server and start playing

How to Install Modifications from the Workshop to Your Server

1) First, subscribe to the modification that interests you.

Steam workshop addon

2) Then go to the folder where Steam is installed, follow the path: .../steamapps/workshop/content/440900/


The folder 440900 is the modifications folder for the game Conan Exiles

3) Here you will see folders of modifications for the game (which you have subscribed to in the workshop). Open the folders of the required modifications and save the files found within.

modification installation

4) After that, go to the game panel, shut down the server. Then open the File Manager section, open the ConanSandbox/Mods folder and upload the mod files there using the Upload button.

GODLIKE game panel

uploading files


Be careful with installing a large number of mods, as they may not be compatible with each other

Now you know how to install modifications from the workshop to your Conan Exiles server. Play together with GODLIKE.

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