How to join a Factorio server

Last modified on 07 November 2024 in Factorio
  • 1 min read
  • 2554
  • 1
Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Playing with other players

Use Factorio server hosting to play with other players, whether local or public. Once you've found a server that interests you, you need to join it, which can be done through buttons in the game menu or by using the server's IP address to connect directly (via console, etc.).


How to make your Factorio server public

How to join a Factorio server

1) First, find the server that interests you and copy its address.

2) Then, open the game and go to the Multiplayer section.

Factorio main menu

3) In the multiplayer menu, click on the "Connect to address" button.

Multiplayer tab

4) Enter the server's address in the field and click the "Connect" button.

connect via address, direct

You can also join a server by selecting it from the list of public servers, located in the "Browse public games" section.

public servers list


How to upload mods to a Factorio server

Now you know how to join different Factorio servers and can start playing with other players. Play with GODLIKE.

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