How to Join a Garry’s Mod Server

Last modified on 07 November 2024 in Garry's Mod
  • 2 min read
  • 3698
  • 4
Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Multiplayer Gaming

GMod server hosting with fun and exciting games entices every player to try it out with friends or other players. This especially applies to modes like DarkRP, TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town), or Murder (a mode similar to the board game "Mafia"). So, in this article, we'll tell you how to join the server you want and start playing.


Don't have your own server? No worries, order a Gmod server right now

How to join a server

1) Open Steam and select the View section, then the Game Servers section.

Steam game libriary

2) Click on the Favorites category, then on the + to add a server.

game servers list

3) Enter the server's IP address and click OK.

server ip add

4) Now you'll see this server in the Favorites list. Select it and click Connect. The game will open, and the connection will start.

connect button


You can join a server directly through the game by typing its name in the server list menu, but the server may not appear immediately. It's more reliable to enter it through Steam

Now you know how to join any server you need and start enjoying a fun gaming experience. Play together with GODLIKE.

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