How to Join a Satisfactory Server

Last modified on 23 July 2024 in Satisfactory
  • 3 min read
  • 1861
  • 1
Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Multiplayer Game

Many Satisfactory game servers offer their players cooperative gameplay or multiplayer gaming. Where you explore a planet full of caves, various biomes, and creatures, search for useful resources, build a base, and craft items. This especially applies to sandbox games, where players have a vast space for entertainment with their friends or other players.


Order a Satisfactory server now and start playing

How to join a server?

1) Find the server you are interested in and find out its IP address.

Example address: 111.122.133:23145


The part before the colon is the address itself, and after it is the port

2) Open the game and click the Server Manager button in the main menu.

Satisfactory main menu

3) Click the Add Server button. You will see a window with two lines. In the Address line, enter the IP (numbers before the colon), and in Port - the numbers after the colon. 111.122.133:23145. Now you can join the server.

server adding

server info


If you are adding this server for the first time, you need to fill in a few more lines, which we will show below

4) In the Claim server window, enter the server name.

game session name

5) If this is your server, you can set the login and password for administrator rights in the Set admin password window.

admin rights settings

6) Now, enter the name of the game session and set up automatic connection to the server, then click the Create Game button.

Satisfactory server connection

7) Click Join Game and start playing.


Learn more about setting up a Satisfactory server

Common server errors

  • Your connection to the host has been lost error:
    This error relates to your connection to the server. Check your internet connection and its speed. Also, it may be caused by mods or corrupted game files.
  • That address does not seem to be valid error:
    If you see this error, check if the IP address is entered correctly. Check the port and IP, they were written in the corresponding lines. Also, the server may be offline, leading to this error.
  • This server appears to be offline error:
    This error relates to the server's operation. It may be offline or in a loading state, for example, if it was just launched and has not finished loading yet.

Now you know how to start a multiplayer game on the Satisfactory server with friends and other players. Play together with GODLIKE.

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