How to join a Minecraft Server on PC?

Last modified on 07 November 2024 in Minecraft
  • 4 min read
  • 1887
  • 3
Vladyslav Kryshtafovych

Vladyslav Kryshtafovych

Game Specialist

Play Minecraft Online

Use Minecraft server hosting for your unique game - with a fantastically small initial budget and a simple idea. It has been winning the hearts of gamers around the world for more than a decade and is one of the most profitable games in history. A big part of the cubic sandbox's popularity was due to its multiplayer mode, as it is much more fun to play Minecraft with friends. It allows each player to create their server to explore this endless world filled with adventures together with their friends. Over the years, thousands of gamers have already taken advantage of this opportunity. In this article, we will explain how to connect to Minecraft servers.

How to play Minecraft with friends?

  1. In the Minecraft main menu, click "Multiplayer".
  2. Then you will be taken to the menu where your servers are displayed. In order to add a Minecraft server, you need to click "Direct connection" or "Add server".
  3. After you clicked "Add server" in the menu that opens, you will need to enter the server's data: its IP address, which usually looks like or
    If you connect using the "Direct connect" method, the server will not be saved in your list of servers and you will not need to enter a name.
  4. After entering the server data, click "Done".
  5. If the server details are correct and it is online, the server will appear in your list. Now it is saved in your list of servers and you do not need to add it every time. If you clicked "Direct connection", you will be connected to the server immediately.
  6. Double-click the left mouse button on the server, or select it and click "Join Server".
  7. You're done! You are joined to the Minecraft server!

Can't connect to Minecraft server?

  • "Disconnected by server. Outdated server!" or "Disconnected by server. Outdated client!"
    If you are seeing this message, you are most likely using a version of the game that is incompatible with the version of the server, as you can only connect to servers that have the same version as your client version.
  • If you see this error, try to change your client version to the one that is used by the server.


    You will not be able to connect to the server version 1.19.4 from the client version 1.19.2.

  • "You are not whitelisted on this server!"
    This error usually means that you are not on the so-called "white list" of the server. Please, contact the administration to clarify the details. You may need to provide additional information to the administration to enter the server because it is the server administrators who add your nickname to the "white list".
  • "You are banned from this server!"
    If you see this message when you connect, it means that you were banned from this server. To clarify the reasons for the blocking, you should contact the server administration.
  • "Disconnected by Server. Invalid session (Try restarting your game)"
    To solve the problem that causes this error, you need to update your session ID on Minecraft servers. To do so, just restart the game. If restarting the game doesn't help, you are most likely using a "cracked" game client and you will not be able to join this server, as it has the "online-mode=true" parameter set, which checks your session ID for relevance.


    When using unlicensed clients, you will be able to connect only to those servers whose parameters are set to online-mode = false !

  • "Cannot connect to the server"
    This problem occurs if the server is not responding at the moment. It may be offline, or you may not have an internet connection at the moment.

If you don't just want to join other people's Minecraft servers but want to open your own, our Godlike.Host service will be more than happy to help you with this! Thanks to the intuitive interface and instant installation, with you will be able to launch your dream server in minutes!

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