How to Join Palworld Server?

Last modified on 20 September 2024 in Palworld
  • 1 min read
  • 3253
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Palworld Multiplayer Gaming

Palworld server hosting, it's always exciting to play with friends or with a large number of players to make the gaming experience more enjoyable. This is especially true for a game like Palworld. In this article, we will tell you how to quickly join a Palworld game server and start playing with other players.


Don't have your own Palworld server yet? Order your Palworld server

How to Join Dedicated Server Palworld?

1) Launch the game.

2) In the menu, select Join Multiplayer Game.

Palworld main menu

3) You will see a list of servers. At the bottom, there is a line for the server address. Enter the address you need and join.

Palworld server list


If the server has a password, you'll need to enter it as well

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