How to make a Minecraft Forge server?

Last modified on 07 November 2024 in Minecraft
  • 3 min read
  • 2260
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Vladyslav Kryshtafovych

Vladyslav Kryshtafovych

Game Specialist

How to install Minecraft Forge Server?

Use Minecraft hosting. Minecraft is one of the most popular games for moderators. This is due to its great potential, freedom for creativity, and the fact that Java, which is the language of the game, is a common programming language. In this article, we'll show you how to create your server with mods using the Forge engine in, practically, no time!

Installing Minecraft Forge core to server.

  1. Go to the official website of the Forge kernel developers and download the kernel. We recommend choosing the "recommended" version, as it is more reliable.
  2. Run the forge installation file (1), select the "Install server" option in the window that opens (2), you will also need to select the path of the folder where you want to place the server on your PC (3). After clicking the "OK" button, the server installation will begin. If everything went well, you will see a message, then you will have to  close it by clicking the "OK" button (4).
  3. Go to the folder where you installed the server (1) and run the "run.bat" file.
  4. The server startup console will open and notify you that you need to accept the EULA (license agreement).
  5. To accept the license agreement, you need to open the file "eula.txt" in the server folder, which was created after the first attempt to start the server (1). In this file, in the line "eula=false", instead of "false", you need to type "true" (2). After that, we start the server again via "run.bat".
  6. When the corresponding window appears, it signals that the server has been successfully launched with Forge, and now you can install mods on it and start playing!


In order to play Minecraft with mods online, you first need to install Forge on your client, which you can learn how to do here.

Minecraft Forge server startup errors

Error: Could not find or load main class @user_jvm_args.txt

If you see this error and the server does not start, the problem is with your version of Java or JDK. Update your Java software, or download the latest version from the official developer site.

If you want your server to work around the clock and not load up your PC, you can use the services of our Godlike hosting. We guarantee you qualified support for your server and its stable round-the-clock operation. Thanks to the intuitive interface of our game panel, it will be convenient and easy to manage your server.

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