How to make a LAN server in Minecraft?

Last modified on 07 November 2024 in Minecraft
  • 4 min read
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Vladyslav Kryshtafovych

Vladyslav Kryshtafovych

Game Specialist

Playing over a local area network

You can use Minecraft servers hosting or LAN. LAN is a type of connection in multiplayer games that allows other players, who are already connected to your router or ethernet, to join your Minecraft world. Players can also connect to a local Minecraft server over the Internet using additional programs such as Hamachi or Radmin VPN.

Hosting a local server on Java Edition

In order to open your world to other players on your local network, you need to:

  • Pause the game (Esc).
  • Click the "Open to LAN" button.
  • If you wnat, you can change the default game mode or enable the use of cheats in the menu that appears once you open your world.
  • Click the "Start LAN world" button.

You can also publish your world on a local network using the command line by writing "/publish". If you start the local server this way, you will not be able to change the game mode or enable cheats. [before JE 1.19.3]

After these actions, a confirmation message will be sent to the chat, such as "Local game is running on port 56668". This port is needed for other players who want to join your world.


Every time you open the world to LAN, the port will change!

When your world is open to the local network, the Minecraft client sends a UDP multicast every 1.5 seconds to the local address, which is monitored by other clients to display your game in their server list.

Connecting to a local server

If you and the host player are on the same local network, the local server should appear in the multiplayer menu under the server list.

If the game world does not appear in the server list, you can still join the server manually. To do so, try adding the server to your list using the local IP address of the server owner's computer and the server's port (the port is displayed in the chat when the host opens their world on the local network).

To find out the local IP on Windows 10, you need to open the command prompt (click "Start", type "cmd" and press "Enter").

In the command prompt, enter the "ipconfig" command and in the window that opens, find the line "IPv4".

The local IP usually looks like or similar, the first 2 digits are 192.168

To add a server to your multiplayer list, you need to click "By Address" or "Add Server" in the "Multiplayer" menu and enter the IP and port in the format "" in the "Server Address" field.

Programs such as Radmin VPN or Hamachi can also be used to play on a local network over the Internet. These programs simulate a LAN connection between people all over the Internet, allowing them to connect each other despite their location.


Other players in a shared LAN network created with the help of programs will see your IP address and status in the network as long as the program is running!

Playing on a local network in Bedrock Edition

LAN gameplay in Bedrock Edition is enabled by default. You can find this option to turn it off or on in the world settings, but you cannot change the LAN settings once you are already in the world. You can also change the default game mode in the world settings. Use the command (cheats must be allowed) "/setmaxplayers up to [count]" to change the maximum number of players.

Now you know how to connect to other players via LAN and thanks to our Godlike service, you can create your server, in which you do not need to download any LAN emulators or be on the same network as the host to connect to the same server. Creating your own Minecraft server on Godlike will take you minutes, as the server is installed instantly and the interface is intuitive.

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