How to make a Conan Exiles server private

Last modified on 23 July 2024 in Conan Exiles
  • 2 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Server Privacy

Conan Exiles dedicated server for playing on your server alone or only with your friends, you need to make your server private so that other players cannot join. Some games allow you to make your server invisible to other players (not public), while in others, you need to create a password for the server, and even if players try to join, they need to know the password to connect.


How to Add an Administrator to a Conan Exiles Server

How to Make Your Server Private

First, go to the game panel, navigate to the Console section, and shut down the server.

GOLDIKE game panel console

shutting down a server

Next, go to the Startup Settings section, where you will see the Server Password line - enter the password that players will use to connect to the server.

making server password


Do not use a password that you use for other purposes. It's better to create a new one for the server

Player Whitelist

Additionally, you can add players to the Whitelist (a list of players who can join the server without using a password). To do this, you need to be on the server and use the admin panel.

game menu

players list on server

In the player list, select the player you need and click the Whitelist button next to their name. Now, this player will no longer need a password to connect.


How to Block or Unblock a Player on a Conan Exiles Server

Now you know how to make your gaming server private, you can invite your friends! Play together with GODLIKE.

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