How to Save in ARK Survival Evolved?

Last modified on 04 September 2024 in ARK: Survival Evolved
  • 2 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

What is ARK save game command?

There are several ways to save a game in Ark Survival Evolved server hosting. The first and most common way for most platforms is to quit the game. The reason is that the game will automatically save the progress of your world every time you exit the game. But if you want to manually save the game, the process differs from platform to platform, so check out the information below on how to save the game on all platforms.


Also, automatic saving can be dangerous, as your game can crash due to any error, and there is a possibility of losing the game process

Below you will find three ways to save your ARK game on different platforms.

How to Save in ARK Survival Evolved on PC?

1) Open your ARK Survival Evolved game.

2) Enter your ARK world.

3) Open the console using the Tab key and write the command "enablecheats password", then press Enter on the keyboard.

4) After you have enabled cheats, type ARK save game command "saveworld" in the console and press Enter. Done.

How to Save in ARK Xbox?

1) Log in to your ARK Survival Evolved game world.

2) Open the console with the RB-LB-X-Y button combination.

3) Enter the ARK save world command "admincheat saveworld" in the console and press the finish button. Done.

How to Save in ARK PS4?

1) Log in to your ARK Survival Evolved game world.

2) Open the console using the ARK game menu.

3) Enter the ARK save game command "admincheat saveworld" in the console and complete the process by clicking the Done button.

We wish you a successful saving of all your worlds and characters in the game! Play along with GODLIKE.

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