How to Set Up FastDL

Last modified on 19 July 2024 in Counter-Strike
  • 2 min read
  • 3632
  • 3
Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer


In CS2 server hosting using FastDL is a feature of fast file downloading supported by your game server to ensure quick client connection to the server. Games such as Counter-Strike can utilize this feature because they share the Source game engine (in various versions). In this article, we will tell you where to find the necessary file for configuring FastDL, how to edit it, and apply it to your server.


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How to configure FastDL

1) Find and open the server.cfg file, which is usually located in the root folder of the server.

2) Edit the server.cfg file:

Add or modify two lines to configure FastDL:

GODLIKE game panel setup


Remember that sv_downloadurl should point to your server, and the data can be found in the "overview" tab of the server

sv_downloadurl "https://adress/SERVER ID/Name of the game folder"
sv_allowdownload 1


sv_downloadurl ""
sv_allowdownload 1
file shows in game panel

3) Save the file with the changes and restart the server.

Now you know how to add and use FastDL for your game server. Play together with GODLIKE.

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