How to set up voting on an Arma 3 server

Last modified on 19 July 2024 in Arma
  • 2 min read
  • 2890
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Voting on the Server

Arma 3 server voting. Through voting, players can collectively choose and alter the gameplay process, ranging from selecting game maps and missions to friendly expulsion of a player from the server who is disliked by many or violates the rules. This is a very convenient feature that adds depth to the server's life for players and facilitates administration.


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How to set up voting on the server

1) Go to the game panel in the Console section and turn off the server.

GODLIKE game panel console

2) Next, go to the File Manager section, then open the server.cfg file for editing.

game panel file manager

3) Find the VOTING section. We'll need the line allowedVoteCmd.

configuration files

Insert the following lines into it:

{"admin", true, true, 0.5 },

{ "missions", true, false, 0.5 },

{ "mission", true, true },

{ "kick", false, false, 0.75 },

{ "restart", true, true, -1 },

{ "reassign", false, true, 0.5 },

{ "kick", true, true, 0.55, 0.30 }

The lines should look like this:

setup commands for a game

You can change the true/false values and others according to your preference. If you want to learn more about the structure of commands for Arma 3, visit their official website for in-depth explanations.

4) Save the modified file and start the server.

Now you know how to enable voting on your server and can optimize these processes for yourself and the players. Play together with GODLIKE.

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