How to update the Killing Floor 2 server?

Last modified on 07 November 2024 in Killing Floor 2
  • 2 min read
  • 3221
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

How to update the game using the Steam console?


If you use our Killing Floor 2 server hosting, then in our GODLIKE panel, there is an automatic server update, which can be disabled if desired.

1) Launch the Steam client.

2) Go to the Game Library and find Killing Floor 2.

3) Download the latest version of the game update.

4) Open the Steam console. Press CTRL + R on your keyboard to open a new program window, in its line, in the lower left, type "steam://open/console", then press Enter.


If the console does not work, write login "Your Steam login" and press Enter, then enter your account password

5) When you are logged in, direct the Steam console to the files of your Killing Floor 2 server, enter: force_install_dir (then the directory (folder) where your server files are installed) and press Enter


Be sure to check the correctness of the commands

6) After connecting the console to the folder, then enter the app_update 232130 validate command in the console, then Enter.

7) When you are done with the console, type quit.

8) Restart your server for all updates to take effect.

Now you know how to update your Killing Floor 2 server, manage and make your server the best it can be. Play with GODLIKE.

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