How to upgrade a Satisfactory dedicated server?

Last modified on 23 July 2024 in Satisfactory
  • 2 min read
  • 1383
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

The significance of updates for your server

If you have your own Satisfactory dedicated server with active players, it would be useful to update it to add new content, optimize, and maintain the "asset" of your server, for which your players will be grateful and want to stay on your server. In this article, you will learn how to upgrade your Satisfactory server.

How to update using Steam console?


If you have purchased Satisfactory game hosting from us, then in our GODLIKE panel there is an automatic server update, which can be disabled if you wish

1) Launch the Steam client.

2) Log in to your Steam library.

3) Check that you have the latest version of the game and the tool (Satisfactory Dedicated Servers).

4) Go to the Steam console. To quickly open it, press CTRL + R on your keyboard, type "steam://open/console" in the bottom left line and press Enter.


If the console does not work, write login "Your Steam login"  and press Enter, then enter your account password

4) When you are logged in, direct the Steam console to the files of your Satisfactory server, enter: force_install_dir (then the directory (folder) where your server files are installed) and press Enter.

5) After connecting the console to the folder, if you are using the Early Access version of the game, enter the command +app_update 1690800 -beta public validate in the console and press Enter. If you are using the Experimental version, enter +app_update 1690800 -beta experimental validate.

Early Access


6) When you are done with the console, type quit.

And that's how to update the Satisfactory server! We wish you success with your server! Play Satisfactory together with GODLIKE.

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