How to Update the Game World on a Conan Exiles Server

Last modified on 14 June 2024 in Conan Exiles
  • 1 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Game Map Wipe (World)

Map wipes are performed to renew interest in the game for long-time players, allow for the addition of modifications to the server without conflicts with old files, and to simply refresh the map when it has become overly developed.


How to Upload a Game World to a Conan Exiles Server

How to Update the Map on the Server

1) Log into the game panel and shut down the server using the Console section.

GODLIKE game panel console

shutting down a server


It's best to notify server players about the planned map update

2) Next, open the File Manager in the game panel and navigate to /ConanSandbox/Saved.

GODLIKE game panel file manager

3) Find and delete the game.db file by clicking the last button to the right of the file name.

deleting file in game panel


How to Ban or Unblock a Player on a Conan Exiles Server

Now, when you restart the server, it will generate a new map and file, after which you can invite players and friends to join! Play together with GODLIKE.

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