A legjobb korai játékbeli képességek a Enshrouded
Karakterfejlődés a Enshrouded
As you level up in Enshrouded, you will use Skill Points to develop various abilities in a branching Skill Tree that encompasses different roles. At the start of the game, you have a limited selection of skills to unlock from the central part of the Skill Tree to help you begin your journey. This article highlights the best initial skills to unlock first.
Core Starting Skills
It is recommended to invest your first 10 Skill Points in the central skills of the Skill Tree. These skills are marked in gold and are beneficial for any role and play style.
Merciless Attack | 2 skill points |
Power Parry | 2 skill points |
Sneak Attack | 3 skill points |
Backstab Damage | 2 skill points |
Well Rested | 1 skill point |
Unlocking Sneak Attack will give you the ability for stealthy approaches, which is very useful at the beginning of the game when enemies can be tougher. This also unlocks increased Backstab Damage. Delivering a backstab is already an effective way to deal more damage to an enemy, especially using Roll, so a 25% damage increase early on will give you a significant advantage.
Merciless Attack and Power Parry skills work effectively together. Mastering these skills will help you defeat enemies faster and fill their stun gauge. When this gauge is filled, you can perform a Merciless Attack, which in most cases means defeating the enemy.
Skills for Ranger
When mastering Ranger roles, you will need to choose between Agility and Endurance. Choosing Agility leads to developing Ranger and Assassin roles, while Endurance directs you to the Beast and Survivor roles.
From the suggested skills, it is worth taking the Endurance node on the path to Survivor for 1 Skill Point and the Agility node on the path to Assassin also for 1 Skill Point.
Inner Fires | 2 skill points |
Double Jump | 4 skill points |
Airborne | 2 skill points |
The Airborne skill on the Assassin path reduces Stamina costs on the Glider by 30%. This will allow you to fly longer and sometimes cross sections of the Deadly Mist if you launch yourself from a high enough point. We also recommend getting Double Jump for easier exploration (especially in Ancient Spires). Finally, choose Inner Fires. This will give you more time to explore the Mist without the need to immediately upgrade the Flame Altar.
Initial Skills for Mage
If you have chosen the Mage role, it is worth maximizing magical damage with the This Is The Way skill found on the Wizard path. Use it to get a 10% increase in damage from all types of magical weapons.
Make sure to avoid danger by replacing the Roll skill with Blink. This will allow you to teleport out of dangerous situations and later can be upgraded to escape from stun and cause explosive damage when Blinking.
Counterstrike | 2 skill points |
Blink | 4 skill points |
This Is The Way | 2 skill points |
Finally, use the Counterstrike skill on the Trickster path to be able to return 50% of received damage to attackers and activate other skills.
Initial Skills for Warrior
If you plan to play as a Warrior, it is worth unlocking the Jump Attack skill. This powerful move provides a 50% bonus to melee weapon damage. The Stamina you spend on this move depends on the weight of the weapon, so for lighter and faster weapons, you can perform this move repeatedly.
Enhance your armor by unlocking Shiny Plates between the Tank and Battle Mage paths. This will increase your physical armor by 10% to withstand stronger enemies.
Jump Attack | 3 skill points |
Shiny Plates | 2 skill points |
Heavy Handed | 2 skill points |
Lastly, we recommend the Heavy Handed skill. Parry and attack enemy blocks more often when playing as a Warrior. Heavy Handed increases the stun gauge when attacking enemies with melee weapons by 20%, so they quickly become vulnerable.
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