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Zombie Horde Attack During Blood Moon
In 7 Days to Die, the very name serves as a grim reminder—the first week of survival is merely a prelude to the inevitable reckoning. On the fateful seventh night, under the ominous gaze of the Blood Moon, hordes of the undead will descend upon you. To avoid an untimely death, meticulous preparation is not just recommended—it’s essential. Here’s everything you need to know to survive this relentless assault.
Understanding the Blood Moon
Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned survivor in need of a refresher, understanding the Blood Moon phenomenon is crucial—it’s an event that can swiftly end your journey if underestimated.
- The Blood Moon occurs every seven days (modifiable in game settings).
- As the crimson orb rises, a unique zombie horde spawns and targets your exact location.
At first, you’ll face a single wave of undead attacking your position. Regardless of your tactics—whether bunkering in a fortified base or staying mobile on the surface—the horde will find you. As you fend off the first wave, the intensity escalates, with new waves arriving until the Blood Moon releases its grip at 4 a.m.
- These ravenous hordes vary in size and composition, determined by your Game Stage, which is influenced by your character’s level, difficulty settings, and days survived.
Strategies for Surviving the Blood Moon
The following strategies will improve your chances of survival during the Blood Moon, though your skills, equipment, and a bit of luck also play key roles.
1. Fortify a Base or Existing Structure
While it’s theoretically possible to survive the Blood Moon while staying mobile, it’s far from optimal. As a beginner, it’s highly recommended to build or reinforce an existing structure.
- For the first Blood Moon, resources might be too scarce to construct an entire fortress from scratch. Instead, reinforce a pre-existing building.
- Opt for a two-story structure if possible, where you can climb up and destroy the stairs behind you.
This tactic won’t stop the zombies entirely but will slow their advance, giving you valuable time to pick them off with precise shots from a rifle or pistol.
2. Complete Trader Quests
Scavenging every point of interest (POI) during the first week might not yield enough resources to face the Blood Moon horde effectively. Thankfully, the game directs you to a trader early on.
- Use the trader to buy essential supplies, including weapons, ammo, building materials, and necessities like food, water, and medical kits.
- Early quests from Trader Rekt can reward you with basic firearms capable of taking down most zombies with a headshot—critical for managing smaller groups of undead if you can stay calm and aim well.
- Additionally, traders sell skill journals that unlock crafting recipes and improve your abilities, letting you create essential survival items and boosting your overall survivability.
General Blood Moon Survival Tips
- Find Elevated Shelter
- If building or reinforcing a two-story structure isn’t feasible, find a high ground location for the night.
- Rooftops of skyscrapers, the top of a strip club, or a silo can provide temporary safety.
- Stock Up on Ammo
- Ensure you have enough ammunition to last the night. If you think you have enough, make more—better safe than sorry.
- Use Wooden Spikes
- Wooden spikes are cost-effective and efficient traps. With enough wood (20 per Wooden Spike), you can surround your shelter, reducing the number of zombies that can breach your defenses.
The Long Game
While falling during your first Blood Moon isn’t shameful, taking steps to maximize your chances of survival is just smart. Over time, you’ll acquire Legendary Components to craft better and more powerful weapons, turning the Blood Moon into a less terrifying and more routine challenge.
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