Minecraft Realms vs Server Hosting
Minecraft multiplayer
When embarking on the journey of shared adventures in a Minecraft world with friends, the choice between two primary options can be a daunting dilemma. These options are Minecraft Realms and dedicated servers. But what exactly distinguishes these two? Is one superior to the other? Such questions often perplex newcomers to the multiplayer landscape. Fear not! This guide will dissect the distinctions between Minecraft Realms and dedicated servers, aiding you in making an informed decision. Whether your aim is to establish an intimate world for close companions or a sprawling public realm, understanding these two platforms is paramount. Let’s delve into this comparative analysis.
Create Your Own Minecraft Server vs Opting for Realms
The stark reality within the Minecraft community is that Realms lack the widespread acclaim garnered by dedicated servers. This assertion isn’t mere conjecture; statistics reveal a vibrant ecosystem of countless dedicated servers in both Java and Bedrock Editions, despite Realms being accessible on both platforms. So, does popularity alone define the difference? Not entirely. Each platform offers its own distinct features, from modding capabilities to exclusive marketplace content. To simplify your decision-making process, we’ll explore these unique aspects before directly comparing the two options.
Minecraft Realms
Minecraft Realms is an official subscription-based service introduced by Mojang, providing a seamless 24/7 multiplayer experience for a curated group of invitees. These invite-only worlds typically host close-knit groups like friends or family. However, a significant limitation exists: Realms only permit two players to join simultaneously. This restriction applies universally to both Java and Bedrock Editions. The gameplay itself remains firmly rooted in the vanilla experience, though optional add-ons can inject additional flair.
Minecraft Dedicated Servers
Dedicated servers represent the heartbeat of Minecraft's multiplayer culture, celebrated as the gold standard by the majority of its player base. This reputation is far from overstated. With a dedicated server, you unlock a realm of unparalleled possibilities: mod installations, plugins, datapacks, and unrestrained customization. Crossplay between Java and Bedrock Editions further elevates their versatility, supporting hundreds of servers. In essence, dedicated servers empower players with unfettered freedom, unshackled by the constraints of Realms.
Minecraft Realms Plus
Another variant in the Realms family is Minecraft Realms Plus, which expands upon the standard offering. This premium subscription service accommodates up to 10 players and grants access to exclusive marketplace content. While it’s a favored choice for those desiring an enhanced Realms experience, it comes with a higher price tag. Unfortunately, customization remains limited compared to dedicated servers.
Key Differences
Both Minecraft Realms and dedicated servers bring distinct advantages to the table, making it challenging to pinpoint their most defining contrasts. To streamline your evaluation, we’ve compiled a comparison table below. Note that Realms Plus is excluded since it primarily adds exclusive content and minor enhancements over standard Realms.
Minecraft Realms | Dedicated Servers |
Less cost-efficient | More cost-effective |
Invite-only access | Open access with an address |
Limited customization options | Virtually limitless customization |
Maximum of 2 players per world | Supports hundreds of players |
Paid marketplace content available | Allows mods, plugins, and datapacks |
Cross-platform play across devices | Crossplay between Bedrock & Java |
The Verdict
Hosting your own Minecraft server undoubtedly unlocks a treasure trove of benefits over Realms, granting you absolute dominion over your gaming experience. Whether it’s through mods, plugins, or enabling crossplay, the possibilities are virtually boundless. For those curious, consider visiting our Pricing Page to explore tailored plans for 24/7 server hosting. That said, Minecraft Realms remains a viable option for casual players on Bedrock, especially with the added perks of Realms Plus, which offers access to marketplace content.
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