ARK: Survival Ascended – Color ID
ARK Color ID
Greetings, survivors! Ever wanted to give your tamed creatures a unique appearance? In ARK: Survival Ascended servers, you can modify their colors using a built-in Color ID system, adding a personal touch to your gameplay. Customizing creatures not only enhances immersion but also lets players showcase their creativity and style. Additionally, colors can serve strategic purposes—dark hues, for instance, help creatures stay hidden at night. Many players enjoy recoloring their dinos for special events or simply to make their world more vibrant.
How to Change Creature and Dinosaurs Colors in ARK
To modify a creature's color, ensure it is nearby and that you have the appropriate Color ID selected.
Each creature has multiple body regions that can be customized, with a maximum of six regions per creature. These regions correspond to different parts of the body, and each one can be assigned a specific color using a numerical ID. By experimenting with different combinations, you can create a variety of distinctive appearances for your tamed creatures.
To apply a new color, follow these steps:
Face the creature you wish to customize.
Open the in-game console.
Enter the command:
Here, you will specify a region (from 0 to 5) and the Color ID corresponding to the desired shade.
ID | Color | ID | Color |
1 | Red | 51 | Wyvern Blue 0 |
2 | Blue | 52 | Wyvern Blue 1 |
3 | Green | 53 | Dino Medium Blue |
4 | Yellow | 54 | Dino Deep Blue |
5 | Cyan | 55 | Near White |
6 | Magenta | 56 | Near Black |
7 | Light Green | 57 | Dark Turquoise |
8 | Light Grey | 58 | Medium Turquoise |
9 | Light Brown | 59 | Turquoise |
10 | Light Orange | 60 | Green Slate |
11 | Light Yellow | 61 | Sage |
12 | Light Red | 62 | Dark Warm Gray |
13 | Dark Grey | 63 | Medium Warm Gray |
14 | Black | 64 | Light Warm Gray |
15 | Brown | 65 | Dark Cement |
16 | Dark Green | 66 | Light Cement |
17 | Dark Red | 67 | Light Pink |
18 | White | 68 | Deep Pink |
19 | Dino Light Red | 69 | Dark Violet |
20 | Dino Dark Red | 70 | Dark Magenta |
21 | Dino Light Orange | 71 | Burnt Sienna |
22 | Dino Dark Orange | 72 | Medium Autumn |
23 | Dino Light Yellow | 73 | Vermilion |
24 | Dino Dark Yellow | 74 | Coral |
25 | Dino Light Green | 75 | Orange |
26 | Dino Medium Green | 76 | Peach |
27 | Dino Dark Green | 77 | Light Autumn |
28 | Dino Light Blue | 78 | Mustard |
29 | Dino Dark Blue | 79 | Actual Black |
30 | Dino Light Purple | 80 | Midnight Blue |
31 | Dino Dark Purple | 81 | Dark Blue |
32 | Dino Light Brown | 82 | Black Sands |
33 | Dino Medium Brown | 83 | Lemon Lime |
34 | Dino Dark Brown | 84 | Mint |
35 | Dino Darker Grey | 85 | Jade |
36 | Dino Albino | 86 | Pine Green |
37 | Big Foot 0 | 87 | Spruce Green |
38 | Big Foot 4 | 88 | Leaf Green |
39 | Big Foot 5 | 89 | Dark Lavender |
40 | Wolf Fur | 90 | Medium Lavender |
41 | Dark Wolf Fur | 91 | Lavender |
42 | Dragon Base 0 | 92 | Dark Teal |
43 | Dragon Base 1 | 93 | Medium Teal |
44 | Dragon Fire | 94 | Teal |
45 | Dragon Green 0 | 95 | Powder Blue |
46 | Dragon Green 1 | 96 | Glacial |
47 | Dragon Green 2 | 97 | Cammo |
48 | Dragon Green 3 | 98 | Dry Moss |
49 | Wyvern Purple 0 | 99 | Custard |
50 | Wyvern Purple 1 | 100 | Cream |
Dye Color ID | Dye Color | Dye Color ID | Dye Color |
128 | Burn | 192 | Midnight |
129 | Scab | 193 | Navy |
130 | Gore | 194 | Cobalt |
131 | Red | 195 | Blue |
132 | Tulip | 196 | Denim |
133 | Salmon | 197 | Ice |
134 | Incense | 198 | Frost |
135 | Edocha | 199 | Deepfreeze |
136 | Bronze | 200 | Twilight |
137 | Terracotta | 201 | Eminence |
138 | Windsor | 202 | Indigo |
139 | Orange | 203 | Violet |
140 | Cantaloupe | 204 | Lilac |
141 | Peach | 205 | Lavender |
142 | Latte | 206 | Mauve |
143 | Dirt | 207 | Royalty |
144 | Drab | 208 | Eggplant |
145 | Olive | 209 | Plum |
146 | Citron | 210 | Purple |
137 | Terracotta | 211 | Magenta |
138 | Windsor | 212 | Pink |
139 | Orange | 213 | Cotton Candy |
140 | Cantaloupe | 214 | Orchid |
141 | Peach | 215 | Bruise |
142 | Latte | 216 | Raisin |
143 | Dirt | 217 | Tyrian |
144 | Drab | 218 | Lust |
145 | Olive | 219 | Fuschia |
146 | Citron | 220 | Flamingo |
157 | Nyanza | 221 | Valentine |
158 | Putrescence | 222 | Kobi |
159 | Filth | 223 | Rouge |
160 | Nori | 224 | Black |
161 | Hunter | 225 | Shadow |
162 | Emerald | 226 | Charcoal |
163 | Green | 227 | Gunmetal |
164 | Mint | 228 | Slate |
165 | Pistachio | 229 | Steel |
166 | Celadon | 230 | Grey |
167 | Chateau | 231 | Silver |
168 | Jungle | 232 | Wisp |
169 | Forest | 233 | White |
170 | Lagoon | 234 | Mud |
171 | Spring | 235 | Bark |
172 | Aquamarine | 236 | Brown |
173 | Seafoam | 237 | Leather |
174 | Turquoise | 238 | Camel |
175 | Shamrock | 239 | Tan |
176 | Mariana | 240 | Sand |
177 | Skobeloff | 241 | Parchment |
178 | Teal | 242 | Cream |
179 | Cyan | 243 | Brick |
180 | Electricity | 244 | Tangerine |
181 | Celeste | 245 | Gold |
182 | Crystal | 246 | Mustard |
183 | Ocean | 247 | Craggy Dew |
184 | Cetacean | 248 | Grass |
185 | Prussian | 249 | Stream |
186 | Sapphire | 250 | Marine |
187 | Azure | 251 | Haze |
188 | Babyblue | 252 | Dusk |
189 | Cornflower | 253 | Thistle |
190 | Overcast | 254 | Bubblegum |
191 | Moonstone |
Customize Your Creatures & Dinos
Changing the colors of your tamed creatures makes your adventures more engaging, whether for self-expression, team coordination, or tactical advantage. Bright, bold colors can make your creatures stand out, while muted tones may help them blend into the environment.
Invite your friends, experiment with different looks, and bring your ARK world to life with your own colorful creations.
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